White settlers with access to ‘property’ need to be coming to the table with options for #LandBack-in-action

Hey, just a thought; White settlers with access to ‘property’ need to be coming to the table with options for #LandBack-in-action.

I may not have much to offer; Jack may be an old horse, and this land surely needs work - but if you’re like me and interested in planning for a livable future, this is the time to expand on potential, and to come up with alternative arrangements to land ‘ownership’.

Non-hierarchical decision-making is anti-capitalist. Supporting one another using a variety of tactics can offer paths to decolonize. Pooling resources together is power. Building the solidarity economy, like being anti-racist, like love; this is an action.

So, here I am on a little patch of land on a gathering point for two vast territories, with an offering; If you know of anyone who is traveling to or from land and water defense frontlines, or simply in need of a safe space - please use our home as a stopover - stay for rest and respite, or as a port to stock up and gather steam & supplies. Use the contact form on this website to reach out.

ThIs is a moment of upheaval and scarcity and polarization and a time to stop turning to those in positions of power to fix things. We’re capable of building an exquisite future if we work together to expand the parameters of what we think is possible. Learning from others. The time for hugely substantive changes from the ground up is now. The time for building relationships based in mutual respect is now. #landback is now.

The constraints are all shifting - and those shifts present such a massive risk if we’re unprepared (which we are) but when we connect resilient threads as part of a fabric/network we can not only prepare ourselves, but we’ll find joy that comes with seizing opportunities for change + the additional joys of organizing for food sovereignty and co-operative land-use planning.

Do you have a summer house or farm? Consider sharing it.

There are blue skies here again, things aren’t all smoked out and it’s time to crystallize intentions, to get busy imagining the future that we all want and need. I’m seeing a future where this dirt is shared and becomes soil, existing in part of a network that operates in resistance to the commodification of livelihoods. First, to #defendthesacred, to say #nopipelinesonstolennativeland and beyond.

*Shirt from #1492landbacklane horse from my mum Siri