

Well hell. 

Saw Bernie yesterday in Downtown LA.

This man is talking candidly to the people of the United States, and taking this country by storm. Publicly funded, using honesty as a tool for much needed revolution in the United States, he is on the right side of history, fighting social injustice for 40 years.

This man advocated for civil rights in the 60's, with gay marriage in the 80's, and his track record shows he is for the poor, for women (and the right for us to control our own bodies thank you very much), for minorities, for children, for health care, for job creation. He is endorsed by Black Lives Matter, the National Nurses Union, by Bill McKibben, by Noam Chomsky.

He is for veterans, for our gay brothers and sisters, FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. If you have never been in engaged in politics before, this is someone who you need to wake up and pay attention to. Bernie Sanders is not going anywhere because we are all so sick of business as usual, sick of costly wars, crumbling ecosystems and unaccountable billionaires taking it ALL. We're all sick of white cops killing young black men, or this country having incarceration rates higher than any other country in the world, with no focus on rehabilitation only on the booming business of throwing even more young black men in prison. We're tired of banks "too big to fail" and Cold War rhetoric that still make the "redistribution of wealth" sound like dirty words.

And a big fuck off to those small minds still buying into corporate tool kits, dying to get rich while the poor in this country and the rest of the world are not able to feed their children. Or if you are a misogynist, if you think it's ok for women and the poor and Mother Nature to be treated with disrespect, then won't you please just off yourself now. And also for everyone's sake, stop trying to imitate the pimping qualities of modern oligarchical tyrants by begging for your own bloated wallets. S'garbage.

I am so excited that, there can finally be a figurehead for such a diverse set of issues. With forceful eloquence, Sanders is adamantly talking about putting the needs of people before anything else.

Fuck yes Bernie, and thanks for bringing it up.